Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Congratulations to Bob W. on his 8 pt. harvested at Crane Naval Base in Kentucky.
Bob currently lives in the State of Indiana, (but raised in Pa.). He and his brother Butch are frequent guests at camp, and great Trout Fisherman, specializing in fishing on smaller trout streams. Bob applied for a lottery license on the base and was lucky enough to score.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Congratulation's are in order for Butch P. He harvested a buck of a life time the next to last day of the Archery Season. An 8pt. with a 20+ inch spread. He earned it!! Butch only missed 5 days the entire archery season, and that was due to work obligations.
He has been scouting this buck, and others, since the summer. His hard work has paid off! The 8pt. met his demise 10 minutes before our legal hunting hours ended. The buck traveled 200 yards and ended up 30 yards from where he took the shot.(more pics will be posted) By the way, there is a larger buck roaming in the area.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Joe and I headed back out today, our 4Th consecutive day of archery hunting. It was a perfect day. Temps in the lower 60s with a cold front and rain moving in.

We reached our stands, and before long, deer were active. Here are a few pics of today's action. No buck as you can see, but we are still hopeful. The season closes this coming Saturday. There is still time.

No matter what, it has been a very enjoyable time in the outdoors with good friends.

Just a reminder. click on pics to enlarge (maybe?)


No, she didn't see me. I am convinced that the flash from a camera does not effect a deer in any way. I have taken a few pics of deer and the flash has absolutely no effect on their behavior.


1 lucky doe here. If that deer was one year older, she would be heading to the freezer. She was completely unaware of my presence.