Sunday, June 13, 2010


June trout fishing is normally very enjoyable in Pa. No fishermen, and plenty of trout to be caught. This year was the exception. No fisherman but, not many trout. Temperatures were extremely hot for this time of the year and the humidity was atrocious.
To top it off, we were inundated with friendly flies. (so called by the pa. game commission)
It seems there was a population explosion of these pests due to the infestation of the Forest Tent Caterpillar in the great white north of Pa.

Fishing was very slow. Between the 3 of us, we caught a grand total of 8 trout. We awoke at 5a.m. Saturday morning and I did not snag my limit 5th trout until 7:08 p.m. The heat, humidity, and bugs were almost unbearable.
No matter what, a day in the outdoors is still better then being anywhere else.
(click on pics to enlarge)

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