Friday, October 30, 2009


Headed out with Joe M. today to do some archery hunting. We parked at another good friends house (Butch P.) and all 3 of us headed out. Not much action this evening but I did see another 4 pt. that hung around for about 10 minutes. That was all she wrote for the evening. If I could combine the last 2 buck I've seen into 1, my buck hunting would be over for the year. I have been seeing deer everyday I have been out for the last week and a half. No signs of rutting buck though.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I almost talked myself out of archery hunting today. The PENN STATE, Mich. game , on the tube, was tempting me. I fought the urge to watch and headed out. Within 10 min. of reaching my stand and settling in, a small buck appeared out of nowhere. It fed around me from 4:30 to
5:05. He was a small 4 pt. that never new I was there. After enjoying supper, he bedded down 1 tree to the left of me at 15 yards. For the next 2 hours, I could barely move. Around 5:45 a doe and her fawn showed up and were directly below my stand. They hung around and fed until 6:00 The whole time the buck never moved from its bed!! Finally, at 6:10, the 4 pt. rose, fed a while, and moved off. All this time I never picked up my bow! WHAT A GREAT EVENING IN THE STAND!! ( my apology for the pics quality)


Monday, October 12, 2009


JOE K. Headed to camp this weekend. I was going to stay home, but, earlier in the week, a good friend of mine Joe K. asked if I was interested. I'm glad he did!!
We decided to do some trout fishing, mushroom picking, and observe some fall foliage.
We arrived Thursday evening with camp in fine shape. After unpacking, we threw back a couple of beers and watched the Pens beat up on the Flyer's.
A great start to the weekend!
The next morning, after a hearty breakfast, we headed to Kinzua Cr. for some trout fishing. My 1st and 2nd casts yielded 2 nice Rainbows and Joe missed 2.

I don't know what happened after that? The creek went dead. Not even a bump. I did manage to land the largest fish of the weekend about 2 hrs later, but that was all for the day.

We headed to another area to search for some wild mushrooms. There were plenty of mushrooms, but not what we were looking for.
After heading back to camp for some lunch my cousin Ray dropped in for a visit. He came bearing gifts (a case of Genny) Did I mention that Ray is my favorite cousin? Well he is now. After a couple of laughs he left for the Sportsman's camp in Kane.
Joe and I ended up doing yard work and put in a raised garden bed for garlic and onions.
Saturday we headed to the river, parked at Costa's, but we were surprised by the major construction going on in the river. Not a good sign. We drove to the bridge above the covered bridge(we have to come up with a name) and I landed 2 Brownies down stream.

The wind and rain chased us off the river and we headed back to camp enjoying the changing leaves.


After some lunch, Joe headed behind camp to fish while I watched the Penn State game.
Joe had no success until he reached the bridge. From there to the Colored camp he landed 4 0r 5 and lost a few more. 1 nice carry over Brown. All in the slow water.
We had Pittsburgh steaks for supper and watched the Pens beat the leafs .
All and all a great weekend.