Saturday, October 24, 2009


I almost talked myself out of archery hunting today. The PENN STATE, Mich. game , on the tube, was tempting me. I fought the urge to watch and headed out. Within 10 min. of reaching my stand and settling in, a small buck appeared out of nowhere. It fed around me from 4:30 to
5:05. He was a small 4 pt. that never new I was there. After enjoying supper, he bedded down 1 tree to the left of me at 15 yards. For the next 2 hours, I could barely move. Around 5:45 a doe and her fawn showed up and were directly below my stand. They hung around and fed until 6:00 The whole time the buck never moved from its bed!! Finally, at 6:10, the 4 pt. rose, fed a while, and moved off. All this time I never picked up my bow! WHAT A GREAT EVENING IN THE STAND!! ( my apology for the pics quality)

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